
About FOESL 

Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone (FOESL) is a non governmental, non-partisan or political organization committed to the preservation, restoration and rational use of the environment and natural resources.  FOESL was founded in 1988 and became a member of Friends of the Earth International in 1989.  There are 69 active members and about ten local groups campaigning nationally and locally on major environmental issues.  FOESL is also working to improve the living conditions of the Sierra Leone society with a focus on women and children in environment and development.  FOESL is funded through membership fees, subscriptions and fund raising activities. 


1) To protect the Earth against further deterioration and restore damages inflicted upon the environment by human activities and negligence.

2) To promote understanding on the need to protect endangered forests, marine, wildlife and other animal species.

3) To advocate for the conservation, restoration and rational use of the natural resources of Sierra Leone.

4) To participate in creating public awareness on climate change and other human activities hazardous to human health and the environment.

5) To undertake the establishment of local institutions for the promotion of sustainable environmental development and related issues. (Appropriate Technology Centre Sierra Leone as well as Lakka Village Appropriate Technology Centre)

6) To promote conservation and development activities with religious bodies, schools, women and youth groups, institutions as well as local communities.

7) To work with government and other NGOs or groups to find solutions to environment and development problems such as poverty alleviation.

What can FOESL offer you?

 In many ways the question is not entirely appropriate because FOESL challenges the individual to first consider how he or she can be of service to others who are less fortunate through a re-assessment of his or her way of life as well as caring for the environment.  This principle is a challenge to everyone but particularly to the affluent and those living in rich countries.
 However, FOESL offers more than a utopian dream because it recognizes the need for effective co-operation, organization and management in order to fulfill realistic sustainable development objectives.  This is where FOESL can assist in a practical way.


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