Carsharing Articles

This list is a work in progress; as we come across helpful articles and resources, we will post links here.

We are sharing the following articles in the hopes that as you learn more about carsharing, you will discover how it can fit your lifestyle and meet your transportation needs.

Automobile Magazine, December 2008

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Announcements »

GO2 Carshare now has a truck!

posted 11/08/2010

GO2 Carshare is proud to announce it has added a used truck to its fleet.


GO2 Carshare wins!

posted 10/25/2010

The GO2 Carshare Cooperative is proud to announce it has won "Environmental Business of the Year".


Flying to Vancouver or Victoria over the holiday season?  Carshare members have access to Vancouver's Cooperative Auto Network and the Victoria carshare too!  There's a car for you there when you need one -- email us for details!