Carsharing in Canada

In Canada, the car sharing movement includes 19 car share organizations, 2,285 vehicles and 67,526 members.

The first two car sharing organizations (CSOs) in BC were among the first in North America. The Victoria Car Share Cooperative, established in 1996, has 400 members sharing 19 vehicles. The Cooperative Auto Network (CAN) in Vancouver was established in 1997 and over the past 13 years it has grown steadily to reach a current membership of 6,300 sharing 230 cars.

The most significant success story as far as the Smithers car share is concerned, however, is the thriving Nelson Carshare Cooperative with branches in Revelstoke, Kaslo, Kimberley, and Fernie.

In the eight years it has been operational, the Nelson car share has expanded to five communities with a total of 180 members and 18 vehicles. In Nelson, the largest of the five, there are 90 members sharing nine vehicles. Revelstoke, with a population very similar to that of Smithers, has three vehicles shared between 20-25 members.

To learn more, visit:

Cooperative Auto Network

Victoria Car Share Cooperative

Nelson Car Share Cooperative

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Announcements »

GO2 Carshare now has a truck!

posted 11/08/2010

GO2 Carshare is proud to announce it has added a used truck to its fleet.


GO2 Carshare wins!

posted 10/25/2010

The GO2 Carshare Cooperative is proud to announce it has won "Environmental Business of the Year".


"On a personal level, the more efficient you can be with your own vehicle, the better. Do you have a full car load of people? Are we driving our car for a one kilometer trip to the store when we could be walking or biking? Those kinds of actions collectively do have a big impact." - Dr. Michael Brauer, School of Environmental Health, UBC